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Work this week continues at Loughborough to attempt to return D6535 to action in time for this weekend's Great Central Railway Diesel Gala, which will also feature D123.

Tom Tighe, Rory Capell and a host of other helpers have re-fitted the refurbished cylinder heads and reassembled the engine; unfortunately, a leak on the heat exchanger (since remedied) put paid to plans to make a test run on Sunday. Nevertheless, the team are pressing on, many coming to the shed every night after work in addition to their weekends.

This intensive period of work has been valuable in identifying the value of the Twitter feeds which 5305LA and each of the locomotives now has; indeed to find out just where we're up to in our challenge, we encourage you to click here to follow D6535 on Twitter now! Information updates are also being posted to our Facebook page.

We are most grateful for recent 'donations' of pictures of D6535 (33116). If you have good quality pictures of the locomotive which you would be happy to let us use to promote our engines, please get in touch.


By Info | Wednesday, March 26, 2014 | Tags : D123 D6535

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