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This email came in via the contact us button.  Many thanks to Beverley and Robin Laughlin for their kind comments which I thought I'd share with you all.

Good afternoon.

On Saturday, my wife, myself and two friends had a trip to York behind 70013 Oliver Cromwell. I felt that we should send you a few lines to say a massive thank you to the support team for the way they looked after the engine, for the way it ran and for the presentation of the loco.

It was the first time I had been behind "Ollie" since 1967, although I had seen her in steam and when she had been through Stowmarket on her way to Norwich. What really impressed me was her appearance. The loco looked clean but not like a museum piece in mint condition, like some certain Great Western engines around today! We had a very smooth run to and from York until, the class 47 took over when No:13 went its separate way. It is clearly apparent why the NRM has so much faith in the 5305LA.

We find it very sad that support crews get such little recognition for all the hard work that they do, all for the love of steam and for enjoyment of people such as us. The two friends that we had with us enjoyed mainline steam for the first time on Saturday. They now understand why we are steam enthusiasts!!

The loco's overhaul, presentation and performance is a real credit to you all and we would be extremely grateful if you could pass our gratitude on to the support crew.

Once again, we thank you because without the hard work that you all put in, our day would never have happened.

Kind regards.

Beverley and Robin Laughlin.


By Info | Tuesday, December 13, 2011 | Tags : 70013

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