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Although 70013 has been busy this week / month, I haven't had much in the way of reports to post because the recent trips have been long and arduous for the support crews and although I've had a few verbal reports, most of them were along the lines of "just leaving xxxxxx, pulled the coal forward, what there was of it, tired now and going to lie down - how are you guys doing with 30777?", to which the reply was "just leaving xxx, pulled the coal forward, what there was of it, tired now and going to sit down - TSOs don't have beds!"  (we didn't have a support coach for 30777's trip to Stratford last week but WCRC kindly let us use a TSO.

70013 is in fact still busy, because she's currently on her way to Crewe for a bit of minor tyre turning - the back truck wheels need attention), then she'll make her way to Southall later in the week ready for a trip on Saturday (Poole - Bath -  Cardiff). 

To make up for the lack of reports, I thought I'd share a few photos of 70013 that have been sent in recently, the first two come from member Tim Barrett, his email read "I was one of the several thousand that went to Sheringham the other week to see olly on the crossing, it was really quite an occasion. I have never seen so many people there, even in the summer. All the pubs were busy and the road was closed. The best course of action was to wait until she'd gone back to Cromer before trying to leave town! Anyway a couple of shots for the archives and 5305LA general use." I've used his title for this post, as it seemed very apt.

Next we have a couple of photos of 70013 and 44871 leaving Crewe on GBIII which were sent in by Kevin Whitehurst.



By Info | Monday, April 26, 2010 | Tags : 70013

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