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After many years at the shed, Mogus, the Locomotive Cat has had to retire from active service.

Mogus fell ill yesterday and was taken to the Vet by Alex Pakes. After a battery of tests and x-rays he was found to have incipient kidney failure, heart problems and other ailments which, although treatable, mean that he can no longer reside at Loughborough shed, but instead needs to retire to somewhere warm, clean and comfortable. Luckily for Mogus, Alan and Alex have offered him a home with them. On his way back from the Vets he visited the shed to see his friends in their natural environment, and to make arrangements for his favourites to visit him in his new home on a regular basis.

One side-effect of offering to take Mogus to the Vets was that Alan and Alex ended up paying the £200+ bill. As Mogus is part of the team, we are all clubbing together to repay the Pakeses for this generous act; any donations can be given direct to them or via Tom Tighe at the shed.

5305 Locomotive Association would like to record our heartfelt gratitude to Mogus for his long and faithful service and we all wish him well in his retirement. His presence on the shed will be much missed, as will the comfort of knowing that he has personally inspected every engine on shed.


By Info | Wednesday, February 25, 2009 | Tags : 45305

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