Members received their 5305 LA news last week. It’s full of interesting articles, information, news, snippets, loco reports, performance reports, photos, and other goodies.
The editor and I have an agreement; I don’t use his text in the website and he doesn’t use my text in the newsletter. So you unless you are a member you won’t get a copy of Jim Street’s fascinating article about the Rugby Test Plant (or even find out why it’s relevant to 5305LA). You won’t read performance reports from runs done by 5305LA’s charges, or receive the reports from the chairman, treasurer and loco maintenance team. If you want to receive a copy all you have to do is join. Our subscription rates are very reasonable (so reasonable indeed that many people choose to round them up with a donation when they send in their subs). You can find details about joining on the Membership page of this website, and even download a pdf of the membership form. It’s easy, go on, treat yourself.
By Info | Friday, August 22, 2008 | Tags : 45305