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Now that 5305’s frames are on No. 1 road in Loughborough Shed we have the opportunity to lift the locomotive if we wish. Tom wants to use this opportunity to check the bottom end fully to make sure that everything will be 100% ready for the forthcoming work on the Main Line. So, this weekend we were painting three spare springs for 45305 ready to swap them with the ones already on the engine.  We might as well take the chance of doing this now rather than wishing that we’d bothered later. Springs are heavy and it’s much better to change them as planned maintenance in a well equipped shed than struggle about on ballast in the rain & dark in some unfamiliar yard. We also checked the brake blocks and found that the ones on the loco & tender were worn out, so a new set are being fitted.

The photo below shows the brake blocks on a trolley ready to be fitted, plus, in the foreground bottom left, one of the springs half painted.

We are also giving the inside of the frames a deep clean and touching up the paint in some places while the boiler is off.

Meanwhile , over at Tyseley our boiler is progressing. Tom is in regular contact with them and we also have a member who is able to visit regularly and send updates.

Cromwell is progressing too; The team were busy all weekend with pipework, painting and putting things together . Every time I visit there are fewer bits lying around the shed and more attached to the engine.

Re-assembly isn't just about bolting things together - sometimes bits have to be modified with a grinder to ensure an exact fit - which I must say makes a more exciting photo than simply bolting things together.

This weekend was a Diesel Gala at the GCR . The Class 33 worked three days of the weekend and the Peak was in traffic on Friday and Saturday.


By Info | Tuesday, April 15, 2008 | Tags : 45305

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