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There was a lot of activity on 70013 this weekend: The Painting Division (Alan & Alex Pakes and lots of help from others) were hard at work on the cladding sheets again, plus the cab was brought into the shed ready for painting. But before the cab can be painted the lockers under the seats need to be restored ready to take the OTMR & TPWS equipment required for mainline working. As the restoration of the lockers includes welding this will affect the paintwork on the outside of the cab and needs to be done before paint is applied. Another team of volunteers were hard at work on the ashpan. The boiler is progressing well, hydraulic tests have enabled the boilersmiths to find and treat any minor leaks and the insurance test is due soon.

30777 was in traffic on Good Friday, but was stopped yesterday for attention to the grate. This did mean however that a couple of new cleaners could be trained up on the best way to clean the locomotive … ‘insides are as important as outsides’

The support coach project continues to progress; we are now in the final stages of rebuilding the bogies, the last few parts have been cleaned and painted (it’s like washing up, there’s always one or two things that you find after you’ve tipped away the water…).

Finally, news from our absent friend: one of our members was at Tyseley in the week and reports that the boiler of 45305 continues to make good progress.


By Info | Sunday, March 23, 2008 | Tags : 45305

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